Summaries of all 66 books of the Bible have been completed and are now available online at Now the focus shifts to expanding the already growing terms section of the website.

Summaries of all 66 books of the Bible have been completed and are now available online at Now the focus shifts to expanding the already growing terms section of the website.
I’m so excited; my first outdoor flowers are in bloom—primrose. Seeing my yard’s first flower of the year and with daytime temps finally in the 60s and 70s, I know that spring is actually here—not because the calendar says so, but it actually looks and feels like spring! However, the primrose shouldn’t be my first […]
Summaries for all the Prophets of the Old Testament are now available on-line at
Summaries for all the historical books of the Old Testament are finished and now available on-line at Next, I will work on completing summaries for the rest of the prophetic books of the Old Testament. Thank you
Let’s play word association. I say “St Patrick” and you might say “March 17,” “shamrock” (three leaf clovers), “Ireland,” “leprechaun,” or “adult beverages” with a green hue. To be cute, you might even answer with an Irish brogue. Just like Christmas and Easter, St. Patrick’s Day is a celebration of religious origin, of which the […]
I don’t know if you’re like me, but I have a favorite pen. And I am quite attached to her. Although I have a couple dozen in my desk drawer, I only have one on my desk—my favorite—her. I know that you’re not supposed to have favorites, because it can really mess up the other […]
Summaries for all 27 New Testament books are finished and now available on-line at Next, I will work on completing summaries for the rest of the books in the Old Testament. Thank you
More information is added to the website each week. In addition to more terms, summaries for many books of the Bible have been added, including all of Paul’s epistles. Overviews are now available for: The remaining books of the New Testament will be added within the next week or so.
As I mentioned on Valentines Day, I bought my bride a printer to express my deep and abiding love. That’s quite romantic of me, but I can’t help it; that’s just the way I am. I actually hooked up the printer early—I had plenty else planned for V-Day itself. My intent was to get up […]
As content is added to the site, some of it may contain words and terms that not familiar to everyone, especially those new to the Bible. Therefore, a section of terms has been added. It’s a bit small right now, but it will grow, especially if you make suggestions for what you would like […]