Bible Insights

Does God Give Love or Justice?

Most people correctly understand that God is love. They then reason that out of love, he will unquestionably accept them as they are, welcoming them into heaven when they die. This is an oversimplification of his love. God is also just. His just nature requires that there be a punishment for the wrong things that […]

Bible Insights

Do You Bless God?

Discover How to Praise God I often say the word “bless.” In prayer, I frequently ask for God’s blessing on myself and others. In essence I am asking for God’s divine favor or grace to be imparted. Other times I have seen one person bless another by “conveying well-being or prosperity” to them. Sometimes this […]

Personal Posts

Flipping Houses on TV and in Real Life

Last week’s entry about the TV shows I watch reminds me of a trio of shows I watched in the past—all covering the same theme: “flipping” houses. House flipping—which has no connection to cow tipping—is the art of buying distressed real estate, making quick improvements, and (hopefully) selling it for a profit. The three shows […]

Bible Insights

A Question With Life and Death Ramifications

Peter cried when he realized he had denied even knowing Jesus. [Mark 14:72] What makes this even more ironic is that earlier that same day he pledged his support to Jesus, claiming to be willing to die with him. [Mark 14:31] For most people, admitting that we “know” Jesus is a relatively easy thing to […]

Peter DeHaan News

Top Blog Posts for 2008

I’ve been blogging for six months now, posting 120 entries.  It’s been a learning experience and an enjoyable endeavor.  I’m still not writing as quickly as I would like or as accurately and seemingly every post requires an edit or two. My top entries so are an interesting collection: I assumed after a post had […]

Personal Posts

The Sky is Falling

First it was falling leaves from my Maple trees and then falling stems. Now it’s falling branches. Fortunately, the dropped branches are few in number and small in diameter. In examining the breaks, they are suspicious looking.  Certainly, there was a weakness at the point of separation that caused them to break.  Each fallen branch has […]

Bible Insights


Bibles in Magazine Format BiblezinesTM are the Bible in magazine format, with additional info and content packed in. For many who wonder if the Bible is relevant to them and their lives, this modern format with compelling sidebars, makes the Bible come alive in practical and vibrant ways. There are 11 Biblezine versions, geared towards […]

Bible Insights

A Boy (and Jesus) Feed 5,000 People

In Matthew 14:14-20 there is the dramatic account of Jesus’ s miracle to feed 5,000 people. This event is also recorded in Mark 6:31-44, Luke 9:10-17, and John 6:1-14. The people have been with Jesus all day; they are hungry and without food. Jesus asks how much food is available; the report is merely five […]

Personal Posts

At Least I Don’t Have to Rake the Stems

A few weeks ago, I shared about leaves falling from my Maple trees (see Raking Leaves). In the spring an insect lays eggs in the stems of Maple leaves. When the eggs hatch, the stems become weak at that juncture and the leaves fall off. That was June 6. At this time, the leaves have stopped […]

Personal Posts

The Mighty Flooding Mississippi River

Where I live, flooding is a rare thing. When it does occur, it is generally on a small scale, doing minimal damage. Aside from watching flooding video on TV, I have little real comprehension of the wide-scale power of a major flood and the damage a raging river can cause. Last week, on my visit to […]