I mentioned that, from my perspective, the ideal winter was for it to snow on Christmas Eve and melt the day after New Year’s Day. In an uncharacteristically Michigan-winter manner, I got my wish! (At least so far.) After about 12 inches of snow over New Year’s weekend, the temperatures began to rise, eventually shooting up to […]
Let It Snow!
Over the holidays, friends from southern California made a surprise visit. Although my buddy grew up in Michigan, complete with it’s snowy winters, his bride and their three sons are California-raised. As such, snow is a greatly hoped for occurrence during any Christmas-time visit. This year did not disappoint. With only mild embarrassment they admitted to becoming […]
Welcome to Pursuing Biblical God
Welcome to “Pursuing Biblical God,” a conversation about spirituality from a biblical perspective. Here are some thoughts to get our party started: What makes me qualified to embark upon such a grandiose endeavor? Only that I am on a journey in pursuit of the God who is revealed in the Bible, the God who created […]
“The Musings of Peter DeHaan” to Expand Peter’s Online Articles and Commentary Peter DeHaan, publisher of AnswerStat magazine, Connections Magazine, and the website, ArticleWeekly.com, launched a blog on January 1, simply entitled, “The Musings of Peter DeHaan.” “I had been considering a blog for a couple of years,” DeHaan stated. “The feedback I receive on […]
Pursuing Biblical God
This blog covers biblical Christianity, with a goal to to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. Read Peter DeHaan’s latest posts.