Bible Insights

When You Give, Pray, and Fast

When, Not If In the book of Matthew, chapter 6, there is a word that is interestingly repeated by Jesus. It is the word when: “When you give to the needy…” [Matthew 6:2]“When you pray..” [Matthew 6:5 and 7]“When you fast…” [Matthew 6:16] Notice that Jesus doesn’t say if you give, if you pray, or […]

Bible Insights

What Does the Lord’s Prayer Really Say About Forgiveness?

Don’t Withhold Forgiveness When you pray, be careful what you pray—I’m serious, be very careful. In the prayer that Jesus taught his disciples (also called “The Lord’s Prayer” or the “Our Father”), one part says: “Forgive us our debts, as we have also forgiven our debtors.” Some translations use the word “sins” or “transgressions” in […]

Bible Insights

An Example of Obedience in the Life of Joseph

An Example of Obedience in the Life of Joseph Four times, Joseph received instructions from God: 1. An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and instructed him to go ahead and marry Mary (Matthew 1:20). 2. Later, an angel spoke to Joseph in a dream, warning him of the threat on Jesus’ life and […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Video Review: Time Changer

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan Time Changer cleverly contrasts the moral conditions in the United States circa 1890 with those of today, by allowing upright Bible teacher Russell Carlisle to transport himself from the 19th century into the future using a time machine. The difference is startling and the impact is compelling, allowing viewers to see […]

Bible Insights

Are You an Alien?

Do You Belong Here? The Bible sometimes calls the followers of Jesus, aliens (Ephesians 2:19, Hebrews 11:13, and 1 Peter 2:11). This seems like a strange and insulting label. Some translations translations of the Bible use words like exiles, migrants, strangers, and temporary residents. The Message uses the phrase, “world is not your home.” An […]

Bible Insights

Jesus was Jewish

That statement catches many Christians (that is, followers of Jesus) off guard. It is easy to label Jesus, since he is the impetus for Christianity, as a Christian, even though his time spent on earth was as a Jew. Indeed, he was born a Jew, into a Jewish culture, and had a clear Jewish lineage.  […]

Personal Posts

Wedding Photo and a Few More

Several readers have asked for photos of our daughter’s wedding.  Here is one of the bride and groom, flanked by my wife and I, along with Dan and his betrothed.  

Bible Insights

The Curtain in the Temple was Torn in Two

The “Holy of Holies” (also called “the Most Holy Place” or “the Holiest of all”) was the innermost part of the tabernacle and later, the temple. It was so sacred that only the high priest could enter it and then only once a year. When Jesus died, the veil (which was very thick, more akin […]

Bible Insights

Sarah Laughs at God

In Genesis 18:10-15 we read the amazing story of Sarah being promised a son in her old age. When she hears this, she laughs—I would to; it seems preposterous. But for an all-powerful God, nothing is impossible. In fact God rhetorically asks Abraham (Sarah’s even older husband) “Is anything too hard for [me]?” Sarah’s laughter […]

Personal Posts

Donate Money to Your Favorite Charity Just By Searching Online

Earlier this week, I received an interesting press release. It was about search online to donate money to charity. Though it’s not my habit to post press releases, this one seems worthwhile: Supporters Turn To Innovative Ways To Help Their Favorite Nonprofits This Holiday Season Charities across the nation are bracing themselves for declining contributions this […]