Bible Insights

Is God Your Copilot?

A friend asked for prayer, that she would allow God to be her copilot. This is a good step for her, but it misses the point of what God truly desires. You see, a copilot is there to help the pilot should unforeseen circumstances occur or the pilot become incapacitated. The pilot is still in […]

Bible Insights

Five Trustworthy Sayings From the Apostle Paul

The phrase “trustworthy sayings” occurs five times in the Bible. It likely refers to phrases that were commonly used and accepted by the early church. Paul’s inclusion of these phrases in his letters affirms them as reliable truth. Here are the five trustworthy sayings that Paul recorded: 1. Christ Jesus came into the world to […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Megashift

Megashift By James Rutz (reviewed by Peter DeHaan)If you want to be challenged in your understanding of what it is to follow Jesus—in the way that he modeled and how the Bible teaches—then Megashift is the book for you; it is sure to exceed those expectations.  If, however, you desire an easy-to-read, feel-good book, wish […]

Bible Insights

Investments You Can Bank On

In these times of economic concern and faltering financial markets, it is easy to worry about the future. Interestingly, the Bible has much to say on this topic: “Tell those rich in this world’s wealth to quit being so full of themselves and so obsessed with money, which is here today and gone tomorrow. Tell […]

Bible Insights

Training for the Best

Training for the Best In Paul’s letter to Timothy, he contrasts physical training (which is good) to spiritual training (which is better). I wonder, how often do we pursue things that are good, while pushing aside God’s things that are better? That’s something to think about next time we’re working out or pursuing some leisure […]

Personal Posts

Leaves Be Gone!

Most of my leaves have finally fallen from my maple trees, making quite a covering in my yard. Today the leaf removal service came and took them all away! It’s nice to see green grass again (until it snows). Thank you, God, for the amazing variety of the changing seasons and the wonderful nature you created.

Bible Insights

The Allure of Mystery

The Allure of Mystery There are things about God, Jesus, and salvation that the Bible simply describes as “mystery,” that is, hidden truth or a mystic secret. This drives some people crazy. They want to understand all and be able to fully explain everything. Anything less causes frustration and angst. For me, I relish the realization […]

Bible Insights

Living in the Prophetic

Living in the Prophetic In Paul’s letter to Timothy he talks about a prophecy that he made regarding Timothy. (A prophecy is a God-inspired foretelling of the future.) Often we think of a prophecy as being about some grand, distantly future event—like the end of the world or major catastrophe—but that is not always the […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: Conversations with God

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan Both thought-provoking and inspiring, the movie Conversations with God, is based on the book by the same name, authored by Neale Donald Walsch. This true story is a compelling account of Neale, living among the homeless after being laid off and surviving a car accident.  As Neale struggles for survival and […]

Personal Posts

The Last Yard Work for the Season

For the past week, we have enjoyed some unseasonably warm weather, with temperatures in the high sixties to mid seventies. Last Saturday I mowed my lawn for the last time this season. If you’re thinking that this is rather late for Michigan, you’re right.  The grass really hasn’t grown much in the past few weeks, but […]