Reviews of Books & Movies

Book Review: Under the Overpass

A Journey of Faith on the Streets of America By Mike Yankoski (reviewed by Peter DeHaan) College student Mike Yankoski felt a promoting to truly understand what it was like to be homeless—by living among them. After careful planning Mike, and friend Sam, embarked on a six-month, six-city odyssey that completely changed all their perceptions […]

Personal Posts

Making New Year’s Resolutions

What Changes Do You Plan to Make? Happy New Year! From my family to yours, I hope that you have a safe, healthy, and prosperous year. The new year is a time when many people make New Year’s resolutions.  Common ones include losing weight, saving money, going back to school, finding a better job, improving or […]

Personal Posts

Christmas Recap

  (Back row: Laura & Chris, Dan & Kelli, Front Row: Candy & Peter) This year our Christmas celebrations began last Saturday with one side of the family, continued Christmas Eve with the other side, and concluded Christmas morning with our kids.  By 10 a.m., both couples had departed for more family celebrations of their own—but […]

Christian Living

What is Christmas to You?

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus! What is Christmas to you? What thoughts first come to mind? What happy memories does this season do you recall? To some people this special holiday means: You surely related to some things on this list, perhaps all of them. But what is Christmas to you? What does it […]

Personal Posts

Winter is Here—Where are You?

Today officially marks the first day of winter, but to me it’s been “winter” for a month and a half—with about three more months to go! On my list of favorite seasons, winter comes in fourth. Currently, we are in the midst of another winter storm, with temperatures in the low single digits and wind chills […]

Personal Posts

The Queen of Desserts

Yesterday, my bride (aka, the Queen of Desserts) went on a Christmas baking frenzy. The preliminary round occurred on Monday, but the main event was on Thursday, sunup to well past sundown cooking extravaganza. Sadly, I was fasting and unable to assume my normal role of taste tester. I know that she secretly enjoys me hovering around […]

Bible Insights

Don’t Worry or Be Anxious

The news has been bad lately—and there is seemingly little hope in sight. The global economy is bad, there is a credit crisis, the US automotive industry is in trouble, unemployment is increasing, many of those with jobs are concerned, and a turnaround seems a long ways off. But in the big picture, this has […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: Bolt

Movies about pets striving to be reunited with their owners are not new, but the movie Bolt one adds a unique twist: the dog Bolt (voiced by John Travolta) thinks his movie-set existence as a super dog is real.  Did I mention that he is cute, too? Then when accidentally thrown into the unsheltered real […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: Amazing Grace (2006)

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan The movie Amazing Grace (2006) is a compelling and moving account of the efforts of William Wilberforce at social reform, specifically ending slave trade in the United Kingdom. His fight for abolition was a life-long effort (and only fully realized three days before his death). Taking on the full Parliament, Wilberforce […]

Bible Insights

What’s Next After We Die?

When We Die, What’s Next? Paul, who diligently and ardently followed Jesus, was quite sure of the answer. He wrote, “The time of my spirit’s release from the body is at hand and I will soon go free” (2 Timothy 2:4, The Amplified version). We need to realize that we are more than a body—and […]