Peter DeHaan News

Check Out A Bible A Day

Check out ABibleADay.com. If you’re already regularly reading the Bible, that is great! If not, I encourage you to begin today with one of our Bible reading plans. Also, bookmark the Bible thread on this blog and check back periodically to learn about updates and new information as it is added to the site. To make […]

Personal Posts

It Melted!

I mentioned that, from my perspective, the ideal winter was for it to snow on Christmas Eve and melt the day after New Year’s Day. In an uncharacteristically Michigan-winter manner, I got my wish! (At least so far.) After about 12 inches of snow over New Year’s weekend, the temperatures began to rise, eventually shooting up to […]

Personal Posts

Let It Snow!

Over the holidays, friends from southern California made a surprise visit. Although my buddy grew up in Michigan, complete with it’s snowy winters, his bride and their three sons are California-raised.  As such, snow is a greatly hoped for occurrence during any Christmas-time visit. This year did not disappoint. With only mild embarrassment they admitted to becoming […]

Christian Living

Welcome to Pursuing Biblical God

Welcome to “Pursuing Biblical God,” a conversation about spirituality from a biblical perspective. Here are some thoughts to get our party started: What makes me qualified to embark upon such a grandiose endeavor? Only that I am on a journey in pursuit of the God who is revealed in the Bible, the God who created […]

Peter DeHaan News

News Release: Peter DeHaan Launches Blog, “The Musings of Peter DeHaan”

“The Musings of Peter DeHaan” to Expand Peter’s Online Articles and Commentary Peter DeHaan, publisher of AnswerStat magazine, Connections Magazine, and the website, ArticleWeekly.com, launched a blog on January 1, simply entitled, “The Musings of Peter DeHaan.” “I had been considering a blog for a couple of years,” DeHaan stated. “The feedback I receive on […]

Christian Living

Pursuing Biblical God

This blog covers biblical Christianity, with a goal to to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. Read Peter DeHaan’s latest posts.