Here is a picture of the happy graduates. (Mom and Dad are happy too—no more tuition payments!) Now on to their wedding next weekend!
The Graduates, part II

Here is a picture of the happy graduates. (Mom and Dad are happy too—no more tuition payments!) Now on to their wedding next weekend!
Open Your Eyes and See In the Bible, Doctor Luke records the interesting account of two disciples forlornly walking down the road after Jesus’ death—and after hearing the incredible report that he is no longer dead. They are confused and dismayed. Things with Jesus didn’t turn out as they expected—or wanted. What did it all […]
This weekend my bride and I will celebrate an event twenty-two years in the making. Our son, Dan, and our soon-to-be-daughter, Kelli, will graduate from college on Sunday. I am exceeding proud of them both. First, not every high school graduate is college material and others opt for alternate paths. Of those that head off to […]
Gaining Understanding and Building Relationships By Carl Medearis bMost Christians are fearful and distrustful of Muslims and author Carl Medearis asserts that Muslims are likewise fearful and distrustful of Christians. In both cases, these attitudes are largely misplaced, resulting from misinformation, false stereotypes, and the highly publicized work of a radical minority—from both camps. In […]
The Debt of Love The Bible says, “Let no debt remain outstanding.” That is sage advice for any time, but especially in these troubled economic conditions. Debt, in general, and bad debt, specifically, has gotten our economy into trouble, threatening to hold us down for the long term. However, that’s not really what this verse […]
Ah, spring in Michigan… …and it snowed last night!
Reviewed by Peter DeHaan Fireproof is a compelling drama with a powerful message that is sure to grab your attention and give you something to ponder for your love relationship. Fireman Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron) lives by the mantra “Never leave your partner behind”—at least at work. For his marriage partner it’s a different story. […]
The One About the Fig Tree Have you ever heard the story about Jesus and the fig tree? Jesus is heading into Jerusalem and is hungry. Seeing a fig tree, he searches its foliage for something to eat. Finding nothing, he seems to get a tad irritated, declaring that it will never again produce fruit. […]
In the 80s, Ronald Reagan responded to bad economic times with a tax cut. Dubbed “trickle down economics,” it masterfully did the trick, with the economy smartly rebounding, ushering in a period of prolonged economic prosperity. An alternate strategy for economic recovery is for the government to spend its way out of it—even if it […]
In “Adam was a Vegetarian,” I referenced Genesis 9:2-3 were God added meat to mankind’s diet. There is another interesting item in that passage. In verse two, God says that from then on, all the animals would be afraid of people. This allows us to infer that prior to that time, the animals were not […]