Bible Insights

God is the Shepherd

This Makes Us His Sheep In the fourth word picture for God, we consider the common image of God as the good shepherd and we as his sheep. We can read about this and discover more in Psalm 119:176, Isaiah 53:6, Ezekiel 34:11, Matthew 9:36, John 10:3, John 10:15, John 10:27, and 1 Peter 2:25. […]

Bible Insights

God as a Hen

Jesus Gathers Us Under His Wings A third word picture for God is found in a not too well know verse, where Jesus says that he wants to collect his people and protect them as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings (Matthew 23:37, Luke 13:34, Psalm 91:4, Psalm 57:1). With God (specifically Jesus) […]

Bible Insights

God as a Potter

We Are the Clay The Bible contains many word pictures that help us to understand better our relationship with God. I have eight of them that I will share in the coming days. Note that each offers but a partial picture into God’s character and none is all-encompassing, but they are highly illustrative. Here is […]

Bible Insights

Omni God

3 Attributes of God There are three words that are commonly used to describe God; they all begin with “omni.” Omnipresent Present everywhere simultaneously Omnipotent Unlimited power or authority Omniscient Total knowledge; knowing everything The prefix “omni” means all, so the three “omni” words that reveal God’s character and nature, succinctly tell us that God […]

Personal Posts

Finally, Some Wedding Photos

On Saturday we had an open house for son Dan and new daughter Kelli. In addition to celebrating their recent nuptials with family and friends, we were also treated to some wedding photos. 

Personal Posts

Money or the Lack Thereof

A significant portion of the news lately revolves around money, be it directly or indirectly.  The following numbers, courtesy of Love INC, provide some insight that helps to explain why people are so concerned about their financial situation. Consider: Seventy-two percent of all consumers live paycheck to paycheck.  That means one missed paycheck and they have […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: Race to Witch Mountain

Jack Bruno (Dwayne Johnson) is a Vegas cabbie who just wants to do his job and stay out of trouble, but when two teens flash a wad of cash and give a cryptic destination, he reluctantly obliges.  The teens are actually aliens, sent by their parents to retrieve an experiment to determine earth’s suitability for […]

Personal Posts

Four Children

Over the weekend it became official. We now have four children The happy couple, Kelli and Dan, at the rehearsal dinner. We still waiting for the photos of the wedding itself.  I will post a couple as soon as I receive them!

Bible Insights

Let’s Not Dismiss the Apocrypha

Let’s Not Dismiss the Apocrypha New information is added to A Bible A Day, seemingly on a weekly basis. These new entries are not normally noted here, though they are listed on the home page of the site. Only the more notable additions merit special mention. The first group of Apocrypha books have been included […]

Bible Insights

Praying For Our Daily Bread

Jesus Said to Pray For Our Daily Bread When the Israelites left Egypt, they spent 40 years in the desert before proceeding on to the land God had promised them. During this time, God miraculously gave them food each day, which they called manna. All they needed to do was go out in the morning […]