Bible Insights

The Meaning Behind the Names

In ancient times, names were given to people for a reason, no matter how trivial. The meaning of the names of Jacob’s twelve sons gives great insight into the competitive struggle between his two wives, the sisters, Leah and Rachel: Reuben means “See, a son!” (Leah said, “The Lord has seen my humiliation and affliction; […]

Bible Insights

More on Jacob’s Twelve Sons

So, we know that Jacob’s twelve sons had four mothers: Leah was the spurned wife; Rachel was the favorite wife; Bilhah was Rachel’s maid and Zilpah was Leah’s maid. Here is their birth order and how it all breaks down: 1. Reuben, his mom was Leah2. Simeon, his mom was Leah3. Levi, his mom was Leah4. Judah, […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Video Review: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoatis a film adaptation of the popular and undying musical of the same name. Although initially written for children and intended to be a school production, it has transcended this original intent to become an ageless classic. With some poetic license, Dreamcoat retells the Biblical account […]

Bible Insights

God’s Love is Perfect and Unconditional

God is the personification of love—and he loves us. God’s love is perfect. Some people look at their life, the good things they do and the bad things they don’t do, thinking that they are good and therefore worthy of God’s love. Others consider their life, the bad things that they do and the good […]

Bible Insights

Eternal God

Was, and Is, and Is to Come In the apocalyptic account in the book of Revelation, it talks about the “beast,” saying that from the point of the end times, he “once was and now is not.” Compare that to the characterization of God, which states that he “was, and is, and is to come.” […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Video Review: The Last Sin Eater

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan Historically, a “sin eater” is one who ritualistically takes upon himself the sins of a dead person in order to provide absolution. The movie The Last Sin Eater considers this custom in Appalachia circa 1850 amongst a backdrop of superstition and secrets. Although slow starting, those who don’t give up on […]

Bible Insights

The Fable about the Blind Men and the Elephant

Six Men Each Have a Different Experience When They Encounter an Elephant Consider the fable of six blind men encountering an elephant for the first time.They have no comprehension of what an elephant is, forming their own understanding based on touch: Yes, an elephant is like a wall, a tree, a spear, a rope, a […]

Bible Insights

Word Pictures of God and Our Relationship to God

In recent reflections, we have considered eight word pictures to give us insight into our relationship with God. While none provides a complete picture, each does offer a glimpse into one facet of who God is. We looked at: Putting all of these together, we can begin to get a sense of who God is […]

Personal Posts

Birdbrain Behavior

The numerous Maple tress and Blue Spruce in our yard provide ample and ideal nesting sites for various varieties of birds. Most noticeable are the Robins. This is because they throw a fit if you get anywhere close to their nest. Sometimes they fly full speed, straight at your head, veering off at the last moment.  I’m […]

Bible Insights

God as our Groom

We Are the Bride of Christ The final word picture to help us better understand God, is perhaps the most startling and difficult to comprehend, even shocking. In this word picture, we consider him as the groom (the Bible often uses the word “bridegroom”) and us as his bride. As followers of Jesus, that is, […]