Personal Posts

The Third Time Is the Charm

Yesterday we had local school elections. There were three people running for school board and a millage renewal. It was about as simple as a ballot could be. I did my homework and was ready to vote. At the polling precinct, I filled out the paperwork, showed my ID, and was handled the paper ballot. In […]

Personal Posts

The Petals Have Fallen

The Petals Have Fallen

Bible Insights

What’s the Deal with Evil Spirits?

When reading the gospels (the stories about Jesus) in the Bible, it doesn’t take long to run across the phrase “evil spirit.” (Some translations use “unclean spirit” or a “corrupting spirit.”) What is an “evil spirit” anyway? Although contemplating the meaning of an evil spirit may be intellectually inviting, the central point is to remember […]

Bible Insights

God’s Sovereignty Allows Him to be Benevolent

God is sovereign; it is one of his characteristics. To be sovereign means to have supreme rank, power, and authority. The word sovereign appears hundreds of times in the Bible (mostly in the Old Testament) and is usually used as a title for God or in addressing him, as in “Sovereign Lord.” Many people object […]

Bible Insights

The Implications of Omniscience

The entry “Omni God” mentioned that God is “omniscient.” This means that he has total knowledge, knowing everything. This is a huge and all-encompassing thought that God knows everything about everything everywhere. It is grand and a bit overwhelming. Embedded in this idea that God knows all things, is the reality that he also knows […]

Bible Insights

Do You Wear Glasses When You Read the Bible?

When you read the Bible, do you wear glasses? I mean metaphorically. Seriously, do you? Communication experts tell us that we take in and process information through filters—or lenses. Often this selective process is helpful, removing the minutia of life so that important and relevant information can be observed, remembered, and contemplated. Sometimes, however, this […]

Personal Posts

Humidity Be Gone

During the warmer part of the year, I run a dehumidifier in my basement to remove dampness and maintain it as a comfortable environment. Being that it is now that time of the year, I went to turn it on last week—and couldn’t find it!  After scouring all the possible storage areas and double-checking that […]

Bible Insights

Responding to Temptation

The Bible says that when we are tempted to do wrong, God will provide a way out so that we can avoid it. That is an encouraging promise, but does that really mean that every time—or just some of the time? I think it is every time—really, I do. The challenge is to be able […]

Bible Insights

Spirit, Soul, and Body

The Bible says that our being—our entity—is comprised of spirit, soul, and body. That is something to contemplate. At first glance, I’d be inclined to reverse the order, from the most tangible (body) to the least (spirit). However, considering that God—who is spirit—made us in his image, it is appropriate to list spirit first, thereby […]

Personal Posts

Happy Easter

We’ve had a beautiful week here in southwest Michigan, with record highs in the low 80s for the past two days. As a consequence, I’ve been hit hard with a case of spring fever. The last remaining pile of snow has melted—it was a huge pile, which only succumbed a couple of days ago—and spring […]