Reviews of Books & Movies

Movie Review: The Other Side of Heaven

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan The Other Side of Heaven is a wonderfully inspiring real-life saga that is a part love story (on two levels) and part adventure, with a touch of spirituality mixed in for a pleasing result. In the 1950s, fresh out of college, young John Groberg (Christopher Gorham) agrees to a three-year missionary […]

Bible Insights

Creation or Evolution?

If we were created, as the Bible says, how did it really happen? I have heard different views on the subject: One of these is probably true—or perhaps there is a completely different understanding. It is easy to fixate on the details and lose site of the critical unifying element: that God was instrumental in […]

Bible Insights

The Time-Space Continuum

My prior post, “In the Beginning…”, may lead some to quip, “Well, where did God come from?” If there is the assumption that God’s existence is like that of our own, then a creation view has the same limitation as an evolution view: something had to come from nothing. However, in considering the creation account […]

Reviews of Books & Movies

Video Review: Everything is Spiritual

Reviewed by Peter DeHaan A unique educator with the flair of the entertainer, Rob Bell, from Mars Hill Bible Church, gives a powerful and compelling discourse on the spiritual reality of man’s existence in his inspiring and awe-filled video, Everything is Spiritual. Beginning at the beginning with the Genesis narrative of creation, Bell, quickly segues […]

Personal Posts

Spring is in the Air

…Sort Of Most of the people that I talk to here in SW Michigan are anxious for winter to be over and for spring to arrive. While there is still snow on the ground, it is mostly relegated to shaded areas and snow banks, courtesy of the snowplows. Yesterday, with the temperature topping out at […]

Bible Insights

The Implications of Omnipresence

The entry “Omni God” mentioned that, among other things, God is “omnipresent.” This means that God is present everywhere or that he exists in all places, at all times. This is a grand and awesome concept, to realize that God simultaneously exists everywhere. It is huge, immense, and at times a bit overwhelming.  Sometimes this reality […]

Personal Posts

The Effects of the Flu

I mentioned that I had the flu a couple of weeks ago. Be assured that I will spare you the gory details, but I do want to share what I learned (or was reminded of) as a result: Aside from dealing with my illness and sleeping, the only other thing I could do was watch TV.  […]

Bible Insights

God’s Love For Us Is Awesome

The word love is overused and misused. Consider the following: Love, then, can mean anything from complete devotion to a slight preference—and everywhere in between. As such, when love is used, it takes on a vague connotation, expressing a feeling that is open to wide interpretations. Another overused and misused word is awesome. Its usage […]

Personal Posts

Crazy Rabbits

Last fall, I posted a picture of the burning bush in my yard. Of course, it looks different now; the leaves have all fallen off and bare twigs are exposed to the elements—and to the rabbits. It seems that my burning bush has become a favorite hangout for the rabbits in my neighborhood. It’s not […]

Bible Insights

Jesus’s Disciples Have Two Swords

They Carried Weapons In the Bible, Dr. Luke records the scene: Jesus is eating his final meal with his followers. He is sharing some parting words when he makes a perplexing remark about buying swords. His disciples matter-of-factly reply that they have two swords. Did you catch that? Jesus’ disciples carry swords. I don’t know about […]