Christian Living

One Body

We Are One through Jesus Christ For those of us who follow Jesus, there is one body. This points to the universal church through Jesus Christ. Sadly, few people act as one. Instead, they divide the body of Christ into factions, sects, and denominations. It was important to Jesus that we would be one (John […]

Visiting Churches

A New Beginning

The Third Time is the Charm It’s Memorial Day weekend. Holidays are a bad time to visit a church. Seldom is it a representative experience. The wise decision would be to attend our own church, but I know we usually have the B team on holiday weekends. We’ve already visited this church twice and know […]

Bible Insights

A Historical Remembrance

Psalm 175 from Beyond Psalm 150 After a remnant of the exiled people return to the promise land, Ezra and Nehemiah continue to reform the people’s spiritual practices. In response, the community separates themselves from foreigners and confesses their sins and the sins of their ancestors. Then they hear the law read to them. In […]

Bible Insights

Are You One of God’s Chosen People?

Isaiah Tells the People that God Will Choose Them Again, but Did He Ever Stop? One phrase jumps out from today’s passage in Isaiah’s prophecy to God’s chosen people: once again he will pick Israel. God, through Isaiah, gives his people hope for a better tomorrow. At this particular time, however, God’s people are discouraged; […]

Bible Study

2 John Bible Study, Day 34: Beware the Deceivers

Today’s passage: 2 John 1:7–9 Focus verse: Watch out that you do not lose what we have worked for, but that you may be rewarded fully. (2 John 1:8) John moves from his encouragement to walk in love to a warning about being on alert for deceivers, whom he calls antichrists (see Day 10). These deceivers share […]

Bible Insights

Grace, Love, and Fellowship

A Trio of Blessings Reflects God’s Nature and Character Paul wraps up his second letter to the Corinthians with a blessing: “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (2 Corinthians 13:14, NIV). This trio of blessings proclaims grace, love, and fellowship. […]

Peter DeHaan News

Discover Timeless Lessons in New Book, More Old Testament Sinners and Saints

Explore 100 Bible Character Sketches from Scripture Acclaimed author and Bible teacher Peter DeHaan invites readers to dive deeper into the lives of Old Testament characters in his new book, More Old Testament Sinners and Saints. This devotional Bible study takes readers on a transformative journey through the captivating stories of 100 men and women […]

Visiting Churches

Bad Timing, but a Great Day Anyway

A Second Atypical Service We first visited this small Presbyterian Church several months ago. Now they have a new minister. Our first visit was on a cold winter day. Today, spring permeates the air. But I don’t need warm sunshine, blue sky, or the life-promise of burgeoning buds to bolster my expectations. I’m excited to […]

Bible Insights

Jehoshaphat’s Prayer

Psalm 174 from Beyond Psalm 150 Several nations come to wage war against the nation of Judah. King Jehoshaphat declares a fast, and the people come together to seek God. Jehoshaphat stands before the people and says this prayer. It sounds much like a psalm seeking deliverance (such as Psalm 86 and many others). Yahweh, […]

Bible Insights

Amos Protests and God Relents

Amos was a shepherd, called by God to be a prophet. His story is found in the book of Amos in the Bible. Amos says what God tells him, but after a while, the people of Israel—the primary target of his God-given proclamations—get tired of Amos and what he says, telling him to be quiet […]