Christian Living

Pray for Each Other

Insights About Praying For One Another James writes that we are to confess our sins to one another and pray for each other so that we may be healed (James 5:16). Though the context of this instruction is for healing, we’re not wrong to extend this idea of praying for one another to a broader […]

Visiting Churches

Liturgy, Greeting with a Holy Kiss, and the Holy Spirit

Experiencing a Holy Awe of God I awake both excited and unsettled. I’m excited at the prospect of returning to Church #28 (“Intriguing and Liturgical”). There’s much for me to learn from their mystical worship of God, from their rituals steeped in meaning that I don’t yet comprehend. However, I’m also unsettled having awakened with […]

Bible Insights

Esther’s Petition

Psalm 177 from Beyond Psalm 150 In addition to Mordecai’s psalm-like prayer, the expanded version of the book of Esther also records Esther’s psalm of petition. In it she humbles herself, confesses the sins of her people, and respectfully pleads for God’s deliverance. O my Lord, you alone are our king. Help me. I am […]

Bible Insights

We Should Be Like Jesus

To Discover WWJD We Need Only Look at What the Bible Says Jesus goes to the synagogue in his hometown to worship God with his family and friends. It’s his turn to read scripture and the day’s scheduled passage is from Isaiah. It’s a prophecy—about Jesus. After he reads it, he simply confirms that he […]

Bible Study

John’s Third Letter

John’s letter to Gaius is a short one. It’s a warm note, full of encouragement and affirmation. John also reinforces some teachings with Gaius. The Bible preserves this letter for us to read in 3 John.  This is likely the same Gaius grabbed by the riotous crowd in Ephesus. He, along with Aristarchus, travels with Paul […]

Christian Living

But God…

Discover the Power and Goodness of Almighty God One of the most intriguing—as well as comforting—phrases in Scripture is “but God.” It appears sixty times in the Bible. Genesis leads the way with eleven verses. Acts is a close second with nine. Here are some of the but God versus to consider: But God Raised […]

Bible Insights

Thoughts on July Fourth and Freedom

Today is the fourth of July. Everywhere in the world, it’s the fourth of July. In the United States of America, however, it’s a special one. It’s the Fourth of July, a national holiday, officially known as Independence Day. It’s the day we celebrate our freedom as a country. Freedom is important to Jesus too. […]

Bible Insights

Mordecai’s Plea

Psalm 176 from Beyond Psalm 150 There are two versions of the book of Esther. The shorter version, found in most—but not all—Protestant Bibles, is based on the traditional Hebrew text. The expanded version of Esther, found in most other Bibles, contains five additional passages as found in the Septuagint, the collection of Scriptures commonly […]

Bible Insights

Are You Spiritually Selfish?

Look to the Wellbeing of Others and Not Focus on Ourselves In Isaiah 39 we read a prophecy given to King Hezekiah by Isaiah. This occurs after Hezekiah does something foolish. He graciously receives envoys from the powerful behemoth, Babylon. Not only does he show off his nation’s wealth, he also provides his enemies one […]

Bible Study

2 John Bible Study, Day 35: Wicked Work

Today’s passage: 2 John 1:10–13 Focus verse: Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work. (2 John 1:11) Building upon his instruction about the deceivers—the antichrists—John warns the chosen lady to not welcome anyone who holds to their teaching and to not show them hospitality. If she does, she aligns herself with their misguided ways and […]