Bible Insights

Women in the Bible: Jochebed

A Good Mother Can Make All the Difference The Egyptians fear the mushrooming population of the enslaved Israelites. They command all the Israelite baby boys be thrown into the Nile River. However, one mother sees something special in her baby and hides him for several months. When she can conceal him no longer, she does […]

Bible Insights

The Wisdom of Solomon

A Wise Guy God told King Solomon to ask for anything and it would be given to him (2 Chronicles 1:7-12). (I think this is the closest thing we see in the Bible to God granting wishes like a genie.) As a wise guy, he chose carefully. Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge. And God […]

Bible Study

Revelation Bible Study, Day 3

Do Not Be Afraid Today’s passage: Revelation 1:9–20 Focus verse: When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead. Then he placed his right hand on me and said: “Do not be afraid.” (Revelation 1:17) The apostle John, exiled on the island of Patmos for telling others about Jesus, connects with God on a […]

Christian Living

Love Is a Verb

Proclaim Love Through Action and Not Reaction Most people think of love as a feeling. They fall in love, and they fall out of love. They get married because they feel in love, and they divorce when the feeling goes away. We’d be better off viewing love as action and not reaction. Instead, love is […]

Peter DeHaan News

Letters of John Bible Study Contents

Complete Lesson List from 1, 2, and 3 John Bible Study The entire letters of John Bible study contents are now available for you or your small group, Sunday school, or classroom. It’s available to you at no cost. Ideal for weekly gatherings, daily devotionals, or independent study. Go through the whole study or pick […]

Visiting Churches

Moving toward a New Normal

An Outdoor Service It’s July 2020, and it’s been four months since I’ve been to church on Sunday morning. It isn’t that I’ve lost my faith, have backslidden, or am pursuing a rebellious protest. It’s because of Covid restrictions. With government mandates to avoid large gatherings, most churches responded by moving their services online and […]

Bible Insights

Women in the Bible: Hannah

Hannah longs to have children but is childless. Adding to her misery, she’s harassed by everyone around her. Though, she is her husband’s (Elkanah) favorite wife he dismisses her infertility and fails to protect her from verbal assaults from his other wife, Peninnah, who endlessly torments her. Then, when she prays in earnest, Eli, the […]

Bible Insights

Do We Really Seek God’s Will When We Make Decisions?

We Must Align Our Plans With God’s Will If We Expect His Blessing King David desires to bring the Ark of the Covenant home, restore it to its rightful status, and put it in its proper place. He envisions a major celebration, one for all the people (1 Chronicles 15:28). Yet he seeks to build […]

Bible Study

Revelation Bible Study, Day 2

The Alpha and the Omega Today’s passage: Revelation 1:4–8 Focus verse: “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8) Having worked our way through John’s short prologue to his book, we move forward with excitement about what we’ll encounter next. […]

Christian Living

What Shapes Your Worldview?

To Get the Right Results, Choose the Best Source A worldview is a person’s beliefs about life and living that shapes how they see the world. We all have a worldview. It forms from the earliest moments of our lives and comes from various sources, such as parents, schools, and friends. As we grow older, […]