Bible Insights

Jude Writes in Triads

Jude writes his short letter to those who are called—that’s you and me. In it, he often writes in triads, listing three items or offering three examples.

He does this with such regularity that when he deviates from this in verse 12, I thought I had misread the text.

Consider Jude’s triplets (and a couple of deviations):

  • Three actions of God: called, loved, and kept (and if you implicitly see the Holy Spirit in doing the calling, then the Trinity is implied here as well: Holy Spirit, Father, and Jesus); verse 1.
  • Three blessings: mercy, peace, and love; verse 2.
  • Three historic warnings: leaving Egypt, deserting angels, and Sodom and Gomorrah; verses 5-7.
  • Three negative actions: pollute their bodies, reject authority, and slander angels; verse 8.
  • Three bad examples: Cain, Balaam, and Korah; verse 11.
  • Five negative allusions: shepherds who feed only themselves, clouds without rain, dead autumn trees, wild waves, wandering stars; verse 12.
  • Three characteristics of ungodly men in the church: cause division, follow natural instincts, and do not have the Spirit; verse 19.
  • Three prescriptions: build up your faith, pray in the Holy Spirit, and stay in God’s love; verses 20-21.
  • Three ways to show mercy: help doubters, save others from destruction, and carefully rescue others without being taken down; verse 22.
  • Three attributes of God: keeps us from falling, presents us without fault, and has great joy; verse 24.
  • Four praises for God: glory, majesty, power, and authority; verse 25.

As someone who also has a propensity of writing in threes, Jude’s style is especially appealing to me.

[Read through the Bible with us this year. Today’s reading is from Philemon and Jude, and today’s post is on Jude 1:1.]

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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