In the story of Jacob’s son Joseph, we read that Joseph had a couple of dreams.
The implicit meaning of his dreams was that his older brothers would become subservient to him, as would his father and mother.
To his family this no doubt seemed to be mere wishful thinking of a young boy who was tired of being last and wanted some attention.
The dream, however, was correct and its predictions did eventually happen. In these two dreams, it was later confirmed that Joseph had heard from God and that he heard correctly.
It may not, however, have been a good idea to share the dreams with this family. His father was insulted and chastised him for his impudent remarks.
His ill-advised revelation also fueled his brothers’ jealousy towards him, no doubt hastening their selling him off as a slave.
The lesson to be learned from Joseph is that just because God has revealed something to us, does not mean that it is prudent to share it.
While it is often helpful to tell others what God is doing in our lives or teaching us, sometimes his words to us are for our ears only.
Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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