Bible Insights

What If God Told You to Kill Your Son, Just as He Did with Abraham?

The Bible Is Chocked Full of Perplexing Stories That Are Hard to Understand

One puzzling story in the Bible is when God tells Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. What loving father would kill his son? It might be asking someone to make the ultimate sacrifice.

However, Abraham is intent on obeying God regardless of the cost.

Three days later we find Abraham up on a mountain, with Son Isaac tied up and laying on the alter. With knife in hand, Abraham raises his arm, ready to plunge the dagger into Isaac.

Just then, God says, “Wait, don’t do it. I was just seeing if you would really obey me.”

Wow, that was close. Then God provides a ram for the sacrifice instead of Isaac. Abraham proved himself faithful to God, and God spares Isaac. It was a test, and Abraham passes.

Jesus Is Our Ultimate Sacrifice

Fast forward several centuries to Jesus. Jesus is himself getting ready to die. He plans to go to the cross—for us. Surely, he knows the story of Abraham and Isaac. Every Jew knows that story.

I suspect he wonders if his obedience to God is about to be tested just like Abraham, for he says, “Papa, if you’re willing, please cancel my assignment, but I defer to your will.”

However, God doesn’t say, “Hold on. This is just a test.” There’s no one else or nothing else to take Jesus’s place. There is no plan B. He must see this thing through.

He must die. Jesus dies as the ultimate sacrifice to end all sacrifices.

It is Jesus’s purpose to die for the wrongs of the world and make us right with Papa.

Jesus obeys. He dies. We live.

Thank you, Jesus.

[Read through the Bible with us this year. Today’s reading is Genesis 21-23, and today’s post is on Genesis 22:1-14.]

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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2 replies on “What If God Told You to Kill Your Son, Just as He Did with Abraham?”

Jesus dies, we live and so does Jesus. Jesus obeyed and trusted God. It was God’s plan to lift up the son of Man, just as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wilderness (John 3:14).

Faith stories are packed with passion. Some of this passion looks ugly. However, I think it is important to read these stories to get ourselves committed to God’s plan. Many of these stories pit brother against brother or father against son or neighbour against neighbour. Some show how bitterly treated women were at the hands of their lord and master type of husbands.

God’s plan…mmm…what is it? Is it really about making the ultimate sacrifice and letting yourself die to save others?

Or is God’s plan more about the Rabboni sharing his power, staying silent and letting someone who has been bitterly treated and shut out by scholarly teaching and people in power give her account of God’s plan of salvation?

The Cross has become a huge symbol of powerful significance. Biblical authorities have used it to honour Jesus and men who have died fighting wars for their friends and families to save them from enemy hands, vilified as demonic.

Perhaps it is time to come into the Light and see Nicodemus as the Rabboni who spent the night with Jesus the Woman. Perhaps it is time…your readers took a look at my book “The Ecumenical Affair” and read some of the papers I have presented in the East.

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