Bible Insights

Do You Know How to Hear God?

If We’re Ready to Listen, God Can Speak to Us through His Holy Spirit

In the book of Ezekiel we come across an interesting passage. Some of the leaders of the nation of Israel approach Ezekiel. They ask him to seek God’s input for them. They want to hear God, but they can’t do it themselves. They need help.

Either they don’t know how to hear from God or are afraid to approach him directly.

Being afraid of hearing God was exactly what afflicted his chosen people when they left Egypt. They begged Moses to serve as a go-between because they feared God. How this must have saddened him (Exodus 20:19).

Seek an Intermediary to Hear God for You

In the Old Testament the people believed that they couldn’t approach God themselves, that they needed an intermediary to act on their behalf. That usually meant a prophet or priest.

Those folks knew how to hear from God. And the regular people didn’t.

Many people do this today. They want to know God’s will in their life, so they seek the advice of a minister or spiritual leader. But they can seek God themselves, if only they know how.

Hear God for Yourself

Though not everyone in the Old Testament knew how to hear God, it’s different in the New Testament—and for us. After Jesus overcame the finality of death and left earth to return home, his father sent us the gift of the Holy Spirit.

If we follow Jesus, we have is Holy Spirit in us.

The Holy Spirit allows us to hear from God ourselves without going through someone else.

For some people hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit comes easily and for others it doesn’t happen.

For much of my life, I didn’t know what to do or how to do it, until a wise friend taught me how to hear from God. Since then I’ve been able to hear from God on a regular basis.

Hear God for Others

Even so, not everyone can hear from God or fully trust what they think they may hear. But if we’re able to hear from God, we can serve as an intermediary for them. This is what Ezekiel did for the elders who came to him.

But what God revealed to Ezekiel wasn’t what the leaders were hoping to hear, but that’s another story.

Today’s story is that through the Holy Spirit we can hear the voice of God. That’s what he desires for us, to hear him when he speaks.

[Read through the Bible this year. Today’s reading is Ezekiel 18-20, and today’s post is on Ezekiel 20:1-3.]

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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