Bible Insights

Biblical People: Eliezer (1)

By name, this Eliezer only appears once in the Bible. He is from Damascus and a servant of Abram.

We can assume that Eliezer is Abram’s lead servant and most esteemed, because Abram is childless at the time and identifies Eliezer as the heir of his estate.

If Abram dies childless, Eliezer will inherit much. Therefore, from a financial standpoint, Eliezer has every reason to hope that Abram never has any children.

Yet Abram (Abraham) and Sarah do at last have a son. His name is Isaac. They want to find a wife for him from their own people. And they send their trusted servant back home to seek one.

We don’t know the name of this trusted servant, but it’s possible that Abraham tasks his lead servant, Eliezer, with this all-important assignment.

This, of course, is speculation, but it’s an interesting consideration.

Regardless, the servant is successful and finds a wife for Isaac. Her name is Rebekah.

How well are we doing at living a trustworthy life?

When someone has an all-important assignment, how likely are they to pick us?

[Read about Eliezer in Genesis 15:2–5. Discover more in Genesis 24.]

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More Old Testament Sinners and Saints: Discover 100 Little-Known but Intriguing Bible Characters

More Old Testament Sinners and Saints is part of the Bible Character Sketches series.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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