Bible Insights

Biblical People: Deborah (1)

Rebekah agrees to leave her family to travel to a distant land to marry her cousin Isaac. Her family sends her off, along with her nurse. This suggests Rebekah may be quite young at the time and still in need of adult care.

It’s interesting to note that although Rebekah decides to leave her family and travel far away, Rebekah’s nurse has no choice in the matter. She’ll never see her family and friends again.

We later learn the nurse’s name is Deborah, but we know nothing more about her or what she does.

The Bible does, however, record Deborah’s death. We don’t know why, because she seems like an incidental character in the history of God’s people. Regardless, it must have been important for God to note her passing in Scripture.

Whether our life receives celebration, becomes a mere footnote in history, or fades from memory, what we do is important to God. And that’s what matters most.

Do we do things to get the world’s attention or is God’s opinion what matters most?

[Read about Deborah in Genesis 35:8. Discover more in Genesis 24:59–61.]

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More Old Testament Sinners and Saints: Discover 100 Little-Known but Intriguing Bible Characters

More Old Testament Sinners and Saints is part of the Bible Character Sketches series.

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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