Bible Insights

5 Things Jesus’s Disciples Did

We are to go out and preach repentance under the power of the Holy Spirit

After Jesus calls his disciples, he trains them and then sends them into the world. He gives them five simple instructions:

Go Out

To be effective Jesus’s disciples can’t hang out with each other. They need to go out into the world around them.

Preach Repentance

A basic understanding of preach is to tell or to encourage. A simple definition of repent is to turn yourself around, to make a U-turn.

When Jesus tells his disciples to preach repentance, he’s instructing them to encourage others to turn their lives around and head toward him.

Drive Out Demons

Jesus empowers his disciples to do miraculous works in his name. These wondrous signs certainly get people’s attention. Supernatural power not only helps people in need, but it also rightly directs our attention to God.

I think that’s the point.

Anoint the Sick

When Jesus tells his disciples to anoint the sick, he’s instructing them to bless those with health concerns and pray for them.

Heal People

Yes, Jesus wants us to heal those who are hurting. He gives us the power to do so, through the Holy Spirit. We need to walk in faith to make that happen.

The instructions Jesus gives his disciples, can also apply to us today. We are to go into our world and encourage people to pursue Jesus. As we do, we are to go in Holy Spirit power to perform signs, anoint people, and heal those in need.

While some people assume the supernatural power of signs and wonders ended with the disciples, I see no indication of that in the Bible. What Jesus gave to his disciples then, he gives to us today.

It’s up to us to accept his call and move into it. And when we do, our witness will be magnified, and Jesus will be exalted.

[Read through the Bible this year. Today’s reading is Mark 5-7, and today’s post is on Mark 6:12-13.]

Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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