It Is Done
Today’s passage: Revelation 16:17–21
Focus verse: The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, “It is done!” (Revelation 16:17)
Jesus has just warned everyone to remain ready for his return, which will happen as unexpectedly as a thief coming under the cover of darkness.
Then the seventh angel arrives. He pours out his bowl into the air. Immediately, a voice thunders from the temple. The sound comes from the throne and says, “It is done!”
In response to this exciting proclamation, lightning flashes, the earth rumbles, and thunder peals. A severe earthquake follows with unprecedented intensity.
The great city—figuratively Sodom and Egypt (Revelation 11:8)—splits into three parts. Other cities throughout the nations collapse. Islands disappear and mountains level.
Hundred-pound hailstones fall from the sky. The people curse God because of this terrible plague, yet the Bible doesn’t mention any of them turning to him.
Since the voice proclaiming, “It is done!” comes from God’s throne in the temple, we can assume that these are the words of the Lord God Almighty.
With his final plague, the last bowl of wrath, unleashed to get the people’s attention, there will be no more. It is done, at last.
The results of this final plague reach completion, opening the door for the concluding events that must occur before God can unveil a new heaven and a new earth for his people.
Father God says, “It is done!”
Earlier, Jesus says a similar phrase. As he’s dying on the cross to save all humanity throughout all history, his final words before he breathes his last are, “It is finished.” Then he bows his head and dies (John 19:30).
Jesus’s death, of course, isn’t the end. Instead, it’s the first step toward a new beginning. He is buried, but three days later he rises from the dead. In doing so he proves he has mastery over death.
When we follow him—as he repeatedly invites us to do—we, too, will enjoy eternal life through him and with him.
When Jesus says, “It is finished,” he ushers in a new way for us to receive his salvation, a solution far superior to the Old Testament rules and regulations.
When Father God says, “It is done,” he accomplishes what must occur so that he can usher in a new heaven and a new earth.
It’s there we’ll spend eternity with him and Jesus.
- How should we respond to Jesus saying, “It is finished?”
- How should we respond when the Father says, “It is done?”
- Are we following Jesus?
- Do we look forward to eternity with him?
- What can we anticipate in God’s new heaven and new earth?
[Discover more about following Jesus in Matthew 4:19, Mark 2:14, Luke 9:23, and John 12:26.]
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Read more in Revelation Bible Study: Discover Practical Insights from John’s Epic Vision.
Discover practical, understandable insights from the book of Revelation.
Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo Christianity and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.
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