Bible Study

3 John Bible Study, Day 37: Faithful Service to Missions

Today’s passage: 3 John 1:5–8

Focus verse: Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters. (3 John 1:5)

John opens his letter to Gaius by affirming his faithfulness to the truth and his continuing to walk in it (3 John 1:3). Now John likewise affirms Gaius’s faithfulness in his service to the brothers and sisters. 

What is this faithful service? 

Quite simply Gaius shows love to missionaries.

Though strangers to him, he cares for these traveling ambassadors of Jesus, showing them hospitality and implicitly providing financial support. In doing so, he works in tandem with those missionaries for the truth, that is, for Jesus.

Gaius spent time as a missionary, traveling with Paul. Though he no longer does this, he still has a heart for missions. Through him we see multiple ways to help others learn about Jesus, either directly or indirectly. This stand as his faithful service to missionaries.

Serve as a Missionary

As we’ve already covered, Gaius travels for a time with Paul on a missionary journey. Though Paul takes the lead, Gaius does his part in telling others about Jesus. He even faces persecution for his efforts.

Jesus tells his followers to go throughout the world and tell everyone about him (Mark 16:15). Yet not even Paul spends all his time doing this. He has seasons of traveling as a missionary and seasons of staying home.

Likewise, Gaius goes out for a time and stays home for a time. This doesn’t diminish his commitment to Jesus’s call. It just takes a different form.

Welcome Missionaries

As missionaries travel through Gaius’s area, he provides them with a place to stay, showing them love and offering hospitality. Though his role is indirect, it’s an essential act of support, enabling the missionaries to be more effective.

Financially Support Missionaries

Since missionaries seldom receive monetary support from the people they’re serving, they need help from others. John calls for their support and we can infer Gaius sets an example in doing so, taking a leading role. 

Pray for Missionaries

Though not mentioned in this passage, we can also pray for missionaries. If Gaius welcomes and gives to missionaries, it’s safe to assume he also prays for their work.

Paul models this when he asks the churches for prayers on his behalf as he proclaims the good news of Jesus (Ephesians 6:19–20 and Colossians 4:3–4).

As John tells Gaius, these all work together for the singular goal of spreading the truth of Jesus. We should follow his faithful service to missions.


  1. Though we may not go throughout the world to tell others about Jesus, how can we help those who do? 
  2. How can we be a missionary where we are, without traveling anywhere?
  3. What missionary can we give financial support to?
  4. How can we welcome missionaries?
  5. How can we remember to regularly pray for missionaries?

Discover more about being a missionary for Jesus in Matthew 28:19–20, Luke 24:48–49, and Acts 1:8.

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Peter DeHaan writes about biblical Christianity to confront status quo religion and live a life that matters. He seeks a fresh approach to following Jesus through the lens of Scripture, without the baggage of made-up traditions and meaningless practices.

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