Bible Insights

Are Our Beliefs Flawless or Flawed?

If We Claim to Know the Truth, That Implies Every Other Perspective Is Wrong The book of Job is mostly dialogue between Job and his four “friends,” with God having the final word—as he should. The words of Job’s four friends aren’t much help. At one point in Zophar’s monologue he claims that Job said […]

Bible Study

Revelation Bible Study, Day 20

Some Still Will Not Repent Today’s passage: Revelation 9 Focus verse: The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands. (Revelation 9:20) After the opening of the scroll’s seventh and final seal, seven angels receive seven trumpets. The first four have already blown their […]

Christian Living

Do You Want a Better Tomorrow?

3 Steps to Realize the Improvements You Desire As we move into the new year, many people make New Year’s resolutions, a practice I’ve criticized on many occasions. I’ve never been a fan of resolutions. Instead I set goals. These goals help me move forward into a better tomorrow. Some of my goals are for […]

Bible Insights

Going Home: Eight-Day Old Baby Jesus

At the Temple Anna and Simeon Bless Jesus Luke 2:39 They returned to Galilee to their own town of Nazareth. (Luke 2:39) As we’ve covered, Mary and Joseph go to the temple in Jerusalem when Baby Jesus is eight days old. They do so to consecrate him to God as their first-born male and to […]